No Interest Loans (NILS)
Albury/Wodonga area ONLY
Need help to pay registration on your car?
Need a washing machine, dryer or fridge?
Household Items
Furniture or other household items
For Dental and other medical costs
Get a quote for Dental
Educational Expenses
Laptop or iPad? Daily school items?
Car repairs, household repairs
No Interest Loans (NILs) are a smart choice loan option to help you manage your money.
Borrow up to $2000 for essentials such as appliances or furniture, to help you get your car back on the road, pay for education fees and equipment or help you cover the cost of goods and services to support your wellbeing with no fees, no interest, ever.
Borrow up to $3000 for housing related expenses such as bond or rent in advance, or for recovery from a natural disaster with no fees, no interest, ever.
You pay back only what you borrow and nothing more.
How does NILs work?
There are times in life, despite how hard you try to keep on top of things, when unexpected expenses pop up. Washing machine has broken down? Unexpected car repairs? NILs will pay the cost of these essential goods and services straight to the vendor. Loans can not be used for cash, bills or debts.
NILs works through a process called ‘circular community credit’. This means when a borrower makes a repayment to NILs, the funds are then available to someone else in the community. It is worth considering a NILs loan first before seeking other expensive options for credit.
The Women’s Centre offers No Interest Loan to Women in the Albury/Wodonga region.
If you live in the Albury/Wodonga area and you would like more information, please call us on (02) 60 215773 or email:
Are you eligible to apply for a NILS Loan?
Do you have a
Health Care Card or Pension Card OR Have experienced family or domestic violence in the last 10 years.
You can show that you have the capacity to repay the loan
How to apply for a loan
If you meet the criteria listed above, you can apply online on the application below.
There are several documents you will need to supply and you can upload a digital version in the upload section at the end of the form.
You are welcome to make an appointment with us and do your application in person.
Some people find this much easier.
If you have difficulty uploading your documentation, please email it to
You can call us at any time on (02) 6021 5773
NILS Online Application
Fill in the form below. At the end of the form there is an "upload file" space where you submit your supporting documention. If you have questions, please call us and ask to speak to the NILs team. (02) 6021 5773